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From PeteF: Old School Minifigs French Napoleonic Light Infantry (120 points)

Life has recently got in the way of painting - these chaps have been painted for a week or so but I only just found the time to finish the bases and do a flag.

They will represent the 1st battalion of the 4th Light Infantry regiment for a Quatres Bras/100 Days Project. With 8 light battalions done - I have 2 to go. There are 8 units (4 infantry and 4 cavalry) to finish out of the total of 48  for the French side of the battle. Nearly there! Then all we need is an end to lock down and some willing volunteers to play the game.


Light infantry had a similar uniform to line - but all blue and a little lighter than line French blue. The Grognards who follow these things don't like the Osprey book for the light infanty as it depicts them in a brighter bright blue than they probably had -  wargamers through the ages have presented them in a more vibrant shade than I went for here.


24 x 25mm infantry for 120 points.

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